A man has been sentenced to prison for dangerous driving after crashing at 118mph in a 30mph zone. Trent Simm called his mum and said, ‘I’ve messed up’ following the fatal crash in Littleborough, Greater Manchester on May 13.

The accident resulted in the death of grandmother Doris Bridgehouse and injuries to her daughter Amanda Holmes, her grandson Max, and Simm’s passenger, Aaron Scott. Trent, 25, admitted guilt to causing death by dangerous driving and causing serious injury to Amanda and Aaron.

He appeared at Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester on Tuesday, receiving a seven-year and four-month prison sentence. Additionally, he was banned from driving for five years with a 44-month uplift.

In delivering the sentence, Judge Usher told the defendant: ‘This is a desperately sad case for both families affected by your actions.

‘You were travelling in a performance car at 118mph on a 30mph road. It seems to me with a new car it’s highly likely you were showing off or thrill-seeking in the company of your friend.

‘It’s impossible to listen to victim impact statements without appreciating the appalling, and long-lasting, pain and suffering you inflicted on the family. ‘You were a young man but not unintelligent. You knew the danger of driving at those speeds. ‘Now two families’ lives have been devastated and no doubt Mr Scott has been affected by your idiotic behaviour. ‘From everything I have read about you, I am satisfied you now understand all these consequences are your responsibility.’

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