GB News’ political correspondent, Katherine Forster, found herself shaken after facing harassment while reporting on a pro-Palestine protest in London. Providing live updates from the scene to viewers across the UK, she encountered “persistent” activists attempting to intimidate her.

Thousands gathered in London today, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, marching from Park Lane to Whitehall. The Metropolitan Police distributed leaflets to offer “absolute clarity” on what would be considered an offence. Katherine noted that while the march in London began peacefully, a minority seemed “out for trouble.”

She described the situation, stating, “This is the seventh consecutive Saturday with a pro-Palestinian protest in central London. They start out very peaceful, but things often turn unpleasant later. The police have been clarifying what might lead to arrests. They’d rather not arrest people, but there always seems to be a few.”

Detailing the unpleasant encounter, she explained that the GB News crew faced harassment, including a person on a tannoy persistently shouting and demanding to know their broadcasting location. When revealed as GB News, the individual responded with offensive language.

“A group of people came around us, all shouting. It was very intimidating. I was shaking by the end of it. We then moved to a different place, but at the end of that live broadcast, he appeared again,” Katherine recounted. Police intervened, moving the individual on, and the crew was advised to stay and file a police report. Katherine emphasized the importance of press freedom, stating, “If it wasn’t for the press, we wouldn’t even know what was happening in Israel, in Gaza. But intimidating the press on the streets of London? Not okay at all.”

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